Bringing more women into the startup ecosystem

Mar 25, 2014
The most recent class of Y Combinator participants is 24% women

Is it getting easier to show emotions at work?

Feb 21, 2014
Traditional research shows women in particular receive negative judgement when they emote.

More women should major in business or engineering to close pay gap: Study

Dec 10, 2013
A new study suggests that having more women getting degrees from Stanford or Harvard matters far less than having more women getting degrees in engineering or business.

Women lawyers still hit glass ceiling

Aug 26, 2013
Women are still underrepresented as partners at big law firms, and still make less than their male counterparts.

Women stay in jobs longer than they should

Jul 17, 2013
Women can feel more loyalty to companies, and more guilt when they leave. But staying with one job for too long could cost you a lot of money.

Global gender gap is closing, but U.S. lags

Oct 24, 2012
Equality for women has come a long way but still has a way to go according to the 2012 Global Gender Gap report. The report ranks countries on the access women have to education, economic opportunity, healthcare and political power.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Munich Germany on October 19, 2012.
Johannes Simon/Getty Images

Why do women get smaller raises than men?

Aug 3, 2012
A recent study showed that managers gave men more than two-thirds of the available raise pool.
A professor says she thinks that the gender wage gap can partially be due to assumptions managers may have about what kinds of rewards male and female employees may value.

For public good, not for profit.

Closing the gender gap in patent filing

Mar 22, 2012
Freakonomics' Stephen Dubner on one scientifically-proven way that helps women embrace risk.