Are women business owners too optimistic about equal pay?

Aug 31, 2017
Majority of women small business owners surveyed believe that the gender wage gap will be closed over the next 20 years.
A protester at the "A Day Without A Woman" demonstration on March 8, 2017 in Miami, Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The Trump administration puts a stop to data mining the pay gap

Aug 30, 2017
An Obama-era intiative would have required companies to report how much they pay workers of different races and genders. The initiative was an attempt to get a better handle on the pay gap. But the current administration says the data demands would put too much of a burden on employers.  Click the audio player above […]

Sheryl Sandberg: 'We all deserve equal pay'

Apr 4, 2017
The Facebook COO and founder says companies need to be transparent about how they pay employees.
Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, speaks at the World Economic Forum in January in Davos, Switzerland.