A rural community loses its hospital — a standalone ER fills the gap

May 14, 2019
Quick thinking and a $2.2 million investment preserved the emergency room.
A standalone emergency room in Georgia.
Sam Whitehead

Stalled federal storm relief hurts communities of southwest Georgia

May 13, 2019
An impasse in Congress has life difficult for farmers and businesses serving them.
Seminole County, Georgia, Nov. 2018.
Emma Hurt

Movie industry puts pressure on Georgia's abortion bill

Apr 18, 2019
The industry's clout in the state is being put to the test.
Actors like Alyssa Milano, who is currently working in Georgia on the Netflix series "Insatiable," have spoken out against the state's so-called "heartbeat bill" and threatened not to work in Georgia if the bill is made into law.
Rich Fury/Getty Images

Federal loan guarantees boost nuclear energy projects

Mar 27, 2019
The Vogtle project is three years overdue and vastly over budget.
Aerial view of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant.
Charles C Watson Jr./Wikimedia

Georgia experiments with food stamp work training program

Aug 13, 2018
But state's training program spends much more per person than the figure Congress might allocate if it decides to pass a SNAP work requirement
A welding student at Goodwill Industries.
Susanna Capelouto for Marketplace

Georgia has looked at what it takes to train some food stamp recipients to meet work requirements

Jul 30, 2018
The House version of the proposed federal farm bill would require parents with children over 6 years old to fulfill a 20-hour work or training requirement to receive benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps. That means nationwide 3 million more people would suddenly need job training. The conundrum, said […]

Georgian pecans are popular in China, where tariffs just shot up

Jul 5, 2018
We visit a farm in Georgia that sells 60 percent of their nuts to China.
Lamar Pecan Company in Hawkinsville, GA.
Daisy Palacios/Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

A tourism-driven building boom threatens the architecture that makes Savannah a destination

Jul 4, 2018
Like many old cities, Savannah, Georgia stakes a lot on its history. In fact the National Park Service calls Savannah’s downtown one of the largest urban Historic Landmark Districts in the country — a big draw for tourists and residents alike. But a familiar tension between building the future and preserving the past may be putting […]

For some conservatives, the dispute between the NRA and Delta isn't about guns, it's about the free market

Feb 28, 2018
Companies such as Dick’s Sporting Goods and Delta Air Lines have joined the list of businesses taking a stand against gun violence — but it’s Delta that’s met with a tremendous amount of backlash after the airline announced it would no longer offer discounts to National Rifle Association members. Conservative politicians in Georgia, where the […]

Georgia embraces Germany’s apprenticeship model

Jan 26, 2018
Manufacturers are worried they will not have enough skilled workers in the future, so they have started to create apprenticeship programs to train high school students.
Georgia Piedmont Technical College received funding to open a new Advanced Manufacturing Center in Covington. It includes five labs for training in machine tools, electronics, mechanics, automation and process control, as well as industrial wiring and motor controls.
Tasnim Shamma/ for Marketplace