Stories Tagged as
Georgia's film industry sees a boom
Noel King
Feb 13, 2015
Other areas of the country are offering incentives to lure production to town.
Mercedes rolls into Atlanta
Noel King
Feb 12, 2015
Why a car company is becoming a Georgia Peach.
Does the First Amendment apply to tour guides?
Dec 3, 2014
Tour guides in popular vacation spots say that requiring them to take tests and obtain licenses violates their free-speech rights.
The South is more likely to hand out corporate subsidies
Adam Ragusea
Jun 2, 2014
The Atlanta Braves' new stadium will be funded in large part by taxpayer dollars.
Where Obamacare is shunned, insurance brokers step in
Adam Ragusea
Mar 19, 2014
In states where politicians are dead set against Obamacare, private insurance agents are oh so happy to help.
Tobacco crop threatened by excessive rain in Kentucky, Georgia
Queena Kim
Jul 15, 2013
Tobacco is a drought resistant plant. But this year, the weather has been anything but dry in major tobacco growing states like Kentucky, North Carolina and Georgia.
For public good, not for profit.
Atlanta real estate: Peachy keen or sour grapes?
Mar 15, 2013
The weather is hot in Atlanta, but is the housing market?
Community banks fail over technicality: Study
Jim Burress
Feb 19, 2013
The so-called 'mark-to-market' rule, put in place for transparency, made some banks' finances appear more troubled than they really were.
Nation's smallest Walmart to open in Atlanta
Jan 14, 2013
World's largest retailer experiments with smaller stores on college campuses