German economy begins to feel recession pressure

Nov 15, 2012
Europe has officially slipped back into recession. Growth in Germany -- widely considered to have a relatively healthy economy -- has slowed as well.

Across Europe, workers synchronize strikes against austerity

Nov 14, 2012
Millions of workers went on strike across Europe today in protest against public spending cuts. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled, car factories and ports have been shut, and rail services disrupted.

Some Germans want to see gold stored in U.S.

Nov 8, 2012
Germany stores $80 billion in gold in New York. Some in Germany are clamoring to inspect it and possibly bring it back to Europe.

Mass protests in Greece welcome Angela Merkel

Oct 9, 2012
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in Greece today for her first visit since the European debt crisis began. Greeks aren't laying out the welcome mat though, as masses come out to protest against German-led austerity.

Spain delays bailout, China growth slows

Oct 8, 2012
In Europe, the latest signals are that Spain will not take a bailout in the immediate term. China's economic growth is slowing as investment takes a back seat to consumer spending.

Is 'bailout fatigue' creeping up in Europe?

Oct 2, 2012
Whispers and nameless sources this morning are signaling Spain is preparing to ask the European Central Bank for a sovereign bailout causing bond and equity markets in Europe to zig and zag throughout the day.

What's up, Europe? Germany affirms bailouts

Sep 12, 2012
A German high court rejected a petition to block Germany's participation in the eurozone rescue fund. What does that mean for Europe going forward?

For public good, not for profit.

German and French finance ministers meet

Aug 27, 2012
Marketplace's Stephen Beard says September is going to hold some big questions. Will the European Central Bank put together its rescue plan? Will Greece get its next chunk of money to allow it to stay in the euro?

Growth in the euro economies not horrible, but not good

Aug 14, 2012
The new numbers out on the eurozone weren't as abysmal as expected, but they're not good either.

Germany and France hold steady, but don't grow much

Aug 14, 2012
Happiness is relative in Europe these days: Investors are cheering news the euro area's top economies did not turn in the abysmal results many had expected. Instead, things are just "garden-variety" bad.