Merkel brings along BMW’s chief, others for first meeting with Trump

Mar 17, 2017
The South is a good reminder of how important German automakers are to the U.S.

How will Merkel approach her meeting with Trump?

Mar 17, 2017
The German chancellor will likely have a lot weighing on her mind as she meets POTUS for the first time.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks during a joint press conference in the White House.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Let’s do the numbers: the U.S. relationship with Germany

Mar 16, 2017
Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has spent weeks preparing for her meeting with Donald Trump.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends the appointment of German Education Minister Johanna Wanka at Bellevue Palace on February 14, 2013 in Berlin, Germany.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Awkward: Merkel is poised for a diplomatic dance with Trump

Mar 16, 2017
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is probably the happiest man in Europe today after the anti-Muslim and anti-European Union candidate Geert Wilders did worse than expected in elections yesterday. Trans-Atlantic economic attention now turns to Washington visits this week by two European leaders, both of whom have been critical of President Donald Trump. Irish Prime […]

Is Germany a currency manipulator?

Mar 2, 2017
Europe's most powerful economy has done better from the euro than some in the European Union.
A euro coin is pictured on U.S. dollar notes.

Brooklyn and Berlin connect their growing startup scenes

Feb 8, 2017
They have more in common than you might think, despite the distance between them.
BigRep employees watch a 3-D printer in action at the company’s Berlin headquarters.
Mark Garrison / Marketplace

Brooklyn and Berlin partner up to drive tech growth

Feb 7, 2017
The cities connect to boost innovation and their emerging tech startup scenes.
New Lab, a space for startups located in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Courtesy New Lab

For public good, not for profit.

Does Germany manipulate the euro?

Jan 31, 2017
That can be hard to pin down.

The parallels between American and German politics

Dec 23, 2016
Germany's coal country could support a far-right party.
A coal mine in Jaenschwalde, Germany. 
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Berlin seeks German language teachers for refugee students

Nov 24, 2016
Germany has accepted about 240,000 refugees so far this year, and one way it is trying to help them adapt to their new culture is by teaching them German.
Teacher Susann Heida is in her first month teaching German to teenage refugee students at a Berlin public school. Students in her class come from Syrian, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Veronica Zaragovia