Kiribati: Island nation deals with the consequences of climate change

Nov 26, 2013
Bloomberg's Jeffrey Goldberg speaks about his visit to the island nation threatened by rising sea levels.

Amid climate change worries, a good year for fall foliage

Oct 16, 2013
Some recent studies suggest that changing climates could produce dull colors in future years. How much might that hurt the economies of states like Vermont, North Carolina, and Wisconsin?

Louisiana's Gulf Coast adapts to global warming's rising seas

Sep 9, 2013
Flood protection uses construction techniques developed by the oil industry. Coastal protection in Louisiana grows into an export industry.

Forget Congress: How Obama can fight climate change solo

Jun 25, 2013
After years of butting heads with congressional Republicans, President Obama will announce climate change policies through administrative action.

Summer ice melt in the Arctic sets yet another record

Sep 20, 2012
Shipping across the ice-free Arctic appears closer than ever. The new route will save fuel, but bring emissions and soot directly to the Arctic -- possibly accelerating the ice melt.

For public good, not for profit.

Japan cuts interest rates to near 0 -- where is this headed?

Oct 5, 2010
The central bank of Japan today made a surprise interest rate cut. Rates are rock bottom here, too -- is this a race to the bottom? What are the...

Talk about strange bedfellows: Dow Chemical & Greenpeace on cap and trade

Jul 14, 2009
We've had Dow Chemical in the Greenwash Brigade's crosshairs in the past, so climate change skeptics chew on this: Greenpeace AND Dow Chemical are...