A snapshot of Nevada's economy ahead of GOP caucuses

Feb 23, 2016
Are Nevada voters better off now than four years ago? Yes and no.

Strains between GOP and business

Sep 25, 2015
Speaker Boehner's tenure was marked by disagreements with the party's right flank.

Weekly Wrap: Unemployment, the Fed and the GOP debate

Aug 7, 2015
Jo Ling Kent and Leigh Gallagher join Kai Ryssdal to recap the week in business and finance.

What presidential candidates are not saying

Aug 7, 2015
Many debaters skated by with the minimum response when asked about the economy.

Fundraising, with subtlety, at CPAC

Mar 7, 2014
Delivering a memorable speech at CPAC can yield more for campaigns down the line.
Donald Trump, photographed at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland, on March 15, 2013.

Debt limit fight put business community at odds with Tea Party

Oct 18, 2013
The business community helped elect some Tea Party Republicans to Congress -- and they weren't happy with the shutdown and debt ceiling fight.

Markets thrilled with possible debt limit deal

Oct 10, 2013
Some House Republicans are inching toward a debt ceiling deal.

For public good, not for profit.

Is rebranding the GOP like rebranding Cheerios?

Mar 18, 2013
Republican advisers have released a plan to grow their party. Some high-profile conservatives say the GOP needs a message-makeover to be competitive. How do corporate marketers view the challenge?
A lady sports a hat with the Republican elephant symbol on August 29, 2012, during the Republican National Convention (RNC). As the GOP tries to rebrand itself, we look at what happens when other brands have tried to reformulate their images. Click through...

How did Republicans brand themselves at the convention?

Aug 31, 2012
The Republican National Convention has wrapped up in Tampa, Florida, after last night’s big speech by Mitt Romney. And perhaps more than anything else, the week was an attempt by the GOP to shape its own brand and message on its own terms. So how’d they do? For answers, let’s bring in Don Goldberg. He’s […]

PODCAST: Citigroup settles lawsuit, consumer spending rises

Aug 30, 2012
Citigroup pays up for past deeds. Earlier this week, we learned the SEC is investigating Ally Financial for its own mortgage practices around that time.