Conservatives want the government to stop mandating what insurers must cover

Mar 23, 2017
The latest carrot that House leadership and the White House are using to win conservative Republican votes for the health care bill is repealing an Obamacare provision that standardized insurance policies. Under Obamacare, virtually all insurance policies cover things like hospitalization, mental health, prescription drugs and pregnancies – known as essential health benefits. But guaranteeing those […]

What would Medicaid work requirements mean for those who receive it?

Mar 21, 2017
On Thursday night, the House is expected to vote on a bill to repeal Obamacare. The only hurdle is Republicans themselves. House leaders are desperate to get enough conservatives on board to get the bill to the Senate, so last night they made some changes to it. One sweetener: letting states add work requirements to […]

House Republicans look for more support with revised health care bill

Mar 21, 2017
A vote on the amendments is expected Thursday.
Dr. Martha Perez examines Maria Lebron in a room at the Community Health of South Florida, Doris Ison Health Center in Miami, Florida. 
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Who wins and loses under the GOP’s health care proposal?

Mar 14, 2017
24 million could end up uninsured with the Republican plan, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
The CBO estimates that 24 million people will lose health insurance under the Republican plan to replace Obamacare. Above, Dr. Martha Perez examines Dorothy Jolly at Community Health of South Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

When is a health care bill not a health care bill? When it's a tax bill.

Mar 14, 2017
The GOP health plan includes $600 billion in tax cuts for the health industry and wealthy Americans.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) (R) takes his notes after talking to reporters about the American Health Care Act with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) outside Ryan's office in the U.S. Capitol March 7, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Republican-controlled Congress to hit its first debt ceiling this week

Mar 13, 2017
President Donald Trump is set to release a so-called “skinny budget” this week. However, Congress has a more pressing money issue. On Wednesday, we bump up against the debt ceiling. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

The jobs numbers were never phony

Mar 10, 2017
Trump cast doubt on government data repeatedly and without evidence during the campaign.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer takes questions from reporters during his daily press briefing in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House March 10, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Weekly Wrap: GOP health care plan and Trump's budget

Mar 10, 2017
David Gura of Bloomberg and Leigh Gallagher of Fortune join us to discuss the week’s business and economic news. This week, they talk about opposition to the new GOP health care plan and details of President Donald Trump’s budget proposal.  
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) explains the Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act during his weekly press conference at the Capitol yesterday in Washington, D.C.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

GOP legislators want to cut funds to so-called sanctuary colleges

Mar 9, 2017
Republican lawmakers in several states are moving to bar college campuses from offering sanctuary to undocumented immigrants. Several colleges have pledged not to cooperate with immigration officials or share information about their students without warrants. But what sanctuary means legally is far from clear.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

The race is on to mark up the Affordable Care Act replacement

Mar 8, 2017
Committee work has begun on the process of marking up the GOP alternative to the Affordable Care Act. But while Obamacare took months to craft, Republican lawmakers are trying to move through their repeal-and-replace bill much swifter. Committee markup on a bill of this size would normally take weeks, but in this case, Republicans are […]