Greece assumes EU presidency as its own debt crisis continues

Jan 8, 2014
Today, Greece takes over the presidency of the European Union for the next 6 months.

Greece takes over as EU president

Jan 1, 2014
Greece takes over as president of the European Union today. Marketplace host, David Gura talks to the BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens about what the country's tenure could look like.

Young Greeks struggle with lack of work

Dec 16, 2013
Many Greeks in their late twenties or early thirties live at home, dependent on their parents.

What does 74% youth unemployment feel like?

Dec 16, 2013
Italy's prime minister calls youth unemployment his country's "true nightmare."

For some Greeks, there’s work but no pay

Oct 15, 2013
Sometimes, you just can’t a break. And neither, it seems, can Greece.

Greeks using computers at work lose extra holiday

Sep 13, 2013
The Greek government has scrapped a 24-year-old perk enjoyed by public sector workers.

Move aside emerging markets, investors are now eyeing Europe

Sep 9, 2013
Investors have been shifting away from emerging markets, but where are they going instead? The answer may be Europe.

For public good, not for profit.

Greece's money problems just won't die

Aug 21, 2013
Germany's finance minister says Greece may need another big bailout.

Unemployed Greek youth: 'We don't feel useful'

Aug 8, 2013
Greek unemployment as a whole is at a staggering 27.6 percent.
A man sits near the entrance of a Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) office in Athens on May 9, 2013, with graffiti on the wall reading 'terrorism is the search for a job.'

A grim innovation from Greece: The slow-motion layoff

Jul 17, 2013
The Greek parliament votes today on whether to send as many as 25,000 government workers into a so-called 'labor reserve.'