A week of ups and downs for Greece

Jul 12, 2013
This week, Greece got mixed signals from the International Monetary Fund -- and the coming week looks equally murky.

Is anti-austerity fever cooling off in Greece?

May 1, 2013
Protestors in Greece are rallying against austerity. The gathering comes just days after the country's government voted to allow 15,000 public employee layoffs.

Greece keeps cutting while France looks for growth

Apr 29, 2013
Two European countries have come out with very different ways to tackle their economic problems.

Germans wary of Greeks bearing... reparations demands

Apr 12, 2013
Greeks fed up with their country's economic woes see a quick fix -- Germany stumping up more than $200 billion in further reparations for World War II aggression. Germans are unimpressed.

5 things you need to know about Cyprus' economy

Mar 18, 2013
As Cyprus debates a controversial bailout plan to tax savings accounts, here are the five things you need to know about Cyprus, its economy, and why it is important to the global economic recovery.

In Cyprus bailout, what's Russia got to do with it?

Mar 15, 2013
European finance ministers are meeting in Brussels today, and at the top of their agenda is Cyprus. The small Mediterranean island nation, which has 850,000 people, is in desperate need of a bailout.

Greek Parliament investigates former finance minister over 'tax list'

Jan 18, 2013
George Papaconstantinou is under investigation over allegations he removed the names of his family members from a list of Greek tax evaders.

For public good, not for profit.

Brothel sponsors Greek soccer team

Dec 21, 2012
As local and national funding is slashed, two soccer teams in Greece are turning to some unusual sponsors to make ends meet.

Greece gets an upgrade but protests continue

Dec 19, 2012
Greece's credit rating just got an upgrade by Standard & Poor's. The ratings agency bumped Greece up to a solid B-. And it says that rating is stable -- meaning it won't change in the next several months.

ECB keeps Greek debt secrets under wraps

Nov 30, 2012
The European Central Bank has won a legal battle against Bloomberg News to keep some of the ECB’s internal documents about Greece's debt private.