Questions remain about the future of Greece

Nov 21, 2012
A meeting to agree Greece’s next round of bailout money has ended after almost 12 hours with no decision. Athens won't get vital bailout funds without an agreement.

Man arrested for ID theft of most of Greek population

Nov 21, 2012
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for the Greeks.

German economy begins to feel recession pressure

Nov 15, 2012
Europe has officially slipped back into recession. Growth in Germany -- widely considered to have a relatively healthy economy -- has slowed as well.

Strikes signal greater unity problems in eurozone

Nov 14, 2012
Europeans in Spain, Portugal and Greece protest austerity measures with a general strike today, but the real problem could be a greater lack of unity across the eurozone.

Across Europe, workers synchronize strikes against austerity

Nov 14, 2012
Millions of workers went on strike across Europe today in protest against public spending cuts. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled, car factories and ports have been shut, and rail services disrupted.

Workers push back on austerity across Europe

Nov 14, 2012
There are strikes going on this morning in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium. Workers are protesting all across Europe against rising unemployment and austerity.

Austerity as seen from the streets of Athens

Nov 13, 2012
Yesterday, the Greek parliament pushed through an extensive package of cuts and tax increases -- its most aggressive austerity budget so far -- in order to receive their next bailout payment.

For public good, not for profit.

Greece approves austerity budget: 'Hope has fallen away'

Nov 12, 2012
Greece approves its 2013 austerity budget, making it eligible for a third round of bailout loans.

Greek austerity: A light around the bend?

Nov 12, 2012
European finance ministers are meeting today in Brussels to decide whether Greece will receive its next scheduled bailout payment of $40 billion.

ECB to release new euro with an old Greek face

Nov 9, 2012
The European Central Bank says it's going to issue new currency notes next year. The new notes, redesigned to improve security, will feature images from Greek mythology.