ECB plan may increase risk of Greek eurozone exit

Sep 7, 2012
The plan to buy up bonds from troubled Eurozone economies creates a firewall for nations like Greece and Italy -- expelling Greece may now be less risky.

The inspectors call... on Greece

Sep 5, 2012
Inspectors from the troika of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund are checking up on Greece’s austerity measures.

German and French finance ministers meet

Aug 27, 2012
Marketplace's Stephen Beard says September is going to hold some big questions. Will the European Central Bank put together its rescue plan? Will Greece get its next chunk of money to allow it to stay in the euro?

BHP Billiton profits fall, Greece still under pressure

Aug 22, 2012
Shares of BHP Billiton are down this morning, after the mining giant saw profits fall for the first time in three years.

No vacation from euro debt crisis in Greece

Aug 20, 2012
It's vacation time across Europe, but it's not all sunshine for Greeks. The debt-laden nation has fallen behind in implementing reforms and austerity measures.
It's vacation time across Europe,  but it's not all sunshine for Greeks. The debt-laden nation has fallen behind in implementing reforms and austerity measures.
Takis Takatos/AFP/Getty Images

Greek prime minister meets with French, German officials

Aug 20, 2012
This week, all eyes are on Greece. The country's prime minister is meeting with German and French officials. He's expected to officially ask for extension in meeting the country's fiscal targets.
Tourists watch the presidential guards at the monument of the Unknown Soldier in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens on August 20, 2012.

Greece hopes for more time to set up austerity

Aug 15, 2012
Greece's current government took power in June -- since then the world's been waiting for the specific plan to push things forward with Europe. This morning, the Financial Times this morning has a look at the plan Greece's prime minister will bring to the table next week with German and French leaders.

For public good, not for profit.

Troika inspectors meet in Greece for progress report

Jul 24, 2012
The European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the IMF began meetings in Greece today -- they'd like to know what structural reform progress has been made in return for billions in bailout money.

Spain leads to more woes for Europe

Jul 23, 2012
New fears of a Spanish recession despite bailout measures are shaking global markets today as the threat of Greece's economic crisis still looms large in the region.

Pew poll: 2% of Greeks have good opinion of their economy

Jul 13, 2012
In a poll of a thousand Greeks, 2 percent said the country has a good national economic situation.