Signs of contagion from Greek troubles

May 14, 2012
As the possibility rises of Greece leaving the eurozone, borrowing costs are shooting higher in countries like Spain and Italy.

Greece gambling with 'financial armageddon'

May 14, 2012
New elections in Greece could upend the promises the country made to cut budgets in return for bailout money, and lead to Greece leaving the eurozone. Journalist George Christides says the Greek people might not be aware of the consequences.

Greek exit from eurozone seeming more likely

May 14, 2012
The prospect of a new round of elections in Greece is boosting the chances of the country's exit from the euro.

Greece hurls Europe back into crisis mode

May 14, 2012
Greece struggles to form a government after many voters rejected pro-austerity parties. Reneging on its promises could mean an exit from the euro.

No more wagers on Greek exit

May 10, 2012
As an exodus in the European Union becomes more a sure thing, two of London's largest bookmakers shut down the markets for bets on Greece leaving the E.U. and the existence of the euro in a few years.

How concerned should we be over Greece?

May 10, 2012
Greece still hasn't formed a new government. And there's a lot of talk about the nation leaving the eurozone. How likely is that?

Markets worry as Greece struggles to form government

May 9, 2012
Once again investors are focusing on Greece as the nation tries to form a coalition government. It looks like more turmoil is on the horizon.

For public good, not for profit.

No new government yet for Greece puts future in doubt

May 9, 2012
Though Greece held elections over the weekend, a new government hasn't formed. Nick Malkoutzis with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini discusses the uncertainty surrounding the nation.

In Greece, voters cast ballots against austerity

May 7, 2012
Parliamentary elections this weekend in Greece proved that voters there are fed up with the political parties imposing harsh austerity measures to deal with the country's severe debt crisis
Greece's two main political parties suffered big losses in state elections on May 6, throwing into doubt the eurozone state's austerity plans after a strong showing by protest groups, including the neo-Nazis party Golden Dawn, which is set to enter parliament for the first time since 1974.

Greece, France vote against austerity in weekend elections

May 7, 2012
In an apparent rejection of austerity measures to solve Europe's debt crisis, voters in France elected Socialist party candidate Francois Hollande over the weekend while Greek voters punished the country's two incumbent parties
Supporters of Socialist Party candidate Francois Hollande celebrate at the Place de la Bastille in Paris on May 6, 2012 after the announcement of the first official results of the French presidential final round. Hollande won a runoff election with between 52 and 53 percent of the vote, ousting right-wing incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy.