PODCAST: Austerity goes to the polls in Europe

The French elect a socialist president, and the Greek parliament gets a shake-up. It's all in a weekend for voters in Europe who took to the polls in what turned out to be a referendum on harsh austerity measures aimed at solving Europe's financial crisis. Also on the show, Disney avenges at the box office with a superhero blockbuster, college degrees as an employment perk, and Hollywood fights for California's State Parks.
Supporters of France's newly elected president Francois Hollande celebrate at the Bastille Square in Paris on May 6, 2012. Hollande was elected France's first Socialist president in nearly two decades on Sunday, dealing a humiliating defeat to incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy and shaking up European politics.

The political pushbacks on European austerity measures

May 7, 2012
Journalists in France, Greece and Germany analyze the post-vote turmoil happening in Europe right now.

Greece begins to sell islands to raise cash

Apr 26, 2012
Greece is reportedly selling off islands to raise money. The small island of Oxia is being sold to the royal family Qatar and more are on the block.

Greek police officers, vehicles for rent

Apr 10, 2012
The new scheme could help the police force raise money and stop the taxpayer from footing the bill.

Budget issues hurt Greece's 2012 Olympic plans

Apr 5, 2012
Today, the Greek Athletics Federation laid out what it sees as a "bleak future" for sports. The federation has suspended track and field events as part of budget cutbacks. That puts into question Greece's ability compete in the London Olympics this summer.

Greek PM: We're on our way to economic recovery

Mar 19, 2012
Lucas Papademos says the majority of Greeks are knuckling down to the agreed budget cuts and economic reforms as the country's second financial bailout sets in.

Did writing off debt in Greece count as a default?

Mar 9, 2012
In Greece, private investors have agreed to write off about 75 percent of their loans to the country.

For public good, not for profit.

The next crisis in Europe?

Mar 8, 2012
If Greece will soon be out of the woods, at least temporarily, other European nations are still at risk of financial collapse.

Some Greek bond holders want to avoid major loss

Mar 8, 2012
With the risk of a Greek default hanging in the air, why would some bond holders of Greek debt vote against a reduction of the country's debt?

Taking a loss on Greek bonds

Mar 8, 2012
Private investors are being asked to accept big losses on their loans to Greece, in order for the country to get more bailout money and avoid a messy default that could send Europe back into crisis. About two-thirds of bondholders so far have agreed.