Greece’s Groundhog Day

Feb 10, 2012
Sunday the Greek parliament votes on whether or not to accept another round of deep cuts.

Protests in Athens over latest proposed cuts

Feb 10, 2012
Greeks are striking again today to protest deep cuts the government wants to make in order to get more bailout money. But even the most recent austerity deal Greece proposed might not be enough.

PODCAST: Greek protests, a Pizza Hut Valentine

Feb 10, 2012
First Lady Michelle Obama's plan to make Americans healthier isn't stopping at school lunch; she now wants the military to shape up as well. Greeks are striking again today to protest deep cuts the government wants to make in order to get more bailout money. The unemployment rate dropped last month to 8.3 percent, but some economists say the news isn't as good as it sounds. And big drinks companies are fighting in what some might call "whiskey wars."
Protestors face the police during a demonstration involving thousands of civilians on February 10, 2012 in Athens, Greece.
Milos Bicanski/Getty Images

Greeks protesting at another critical moment for Europe

Feb 10, 2012
A day after the government submitted a budget cutting plan that’s needed in order for Greece to get more bailout money, there are huge strikes over the cuts going on in Athens today.

Greece reaches austerity deal

Feb 9, 2012
Greek leaders have agreed on a new austerity plan. What will the ripples be throughout the rest of the European economy?

Greece's hard road ahead

Feb 9, 2012
With a $172 billion bailout in place, Greeks' futures are looking austere.

Greece agrees to deep budget cuts

Feb 9, 2012
Just ahead of another meeting of European finance ministers in Brussels, Greece announces that they have agreed to the austerity cuts that would allow them to receive a much-needed $173 billion bailout.

For public good, not for profit.

How do Americans feel about the banks?

Feb 9, 2012
Americans' feelings on the foreclosure deal, banks and whether they should worry about the European debt crisis. Gallup's Frank Newport offers up the latest data.

In Greece, politicians agree on austerity deal

Feb 9, 2012
Greek lawmakers have agreed on an austerity package that features spending cuts and reforms. But implementing it won't be easy.

Where'd all the volatility go?

Feb 7, 2012
So far this year, just three days have seen the S&P gain or lose more than one percent. So what happened to the markets' roller coaster ride of 2011?