When is the real deadline for Greece?

Feb 6, 2012
Greece was on deadline to deliver a cost-cutting plan to the IMF and EU last week, this past weekend and today. Now, the deadline has been extended. When might the country default?

Greek talks focus on private debt, second bailout

Feb 6, 2012
Negotiations with private sector creditors are going well, but Greek officials are struggling over terms for a second bailout from the IMF and the EU

European leaders approve new fiscal agreement

Jan 31, 2012
European leaders have agreed on the details of a new treaty that requires countries to balance their budgets and limit their deficits. It's a long-term solution to the continent's debt troubles.

On the agenda at this week's European summit

Jan 30, 2012
Indeed, European leaders are meeting once again to discuss the European Union debt crisis, but there will also be talk of economic growth and job creation.

The high cost of austerity

Jan 30, 2012
Greek financial woes were front and center at EU headquarters in Brussels today.

Focus shifts back to Greece at European summit

Jan 30, 2012
At yet another summit of European leaders, worries about Greece are coming back to the forefront.

For public good, not for profit.

The risk of credit default swaps

Jan 26, 2012
As the risk of Greece defaulting continues to be a threat, we can look to AIG as a warning.

Greece takes creative measures to pay off debt

Jan 24, 2012
To prove to its creditors that it is serious, Greece has released a list of tax evaders, and is opening up national monuments to film crews.