Reactions to Trump from the Butte Plaza Mall

Nov 14, 2016
Butte voted for Hillary Clinton, but the rest of the state went for Trump.
Will consumers be in the mood to shop after the divisive election?
Alex Ogle/AFP/Getty Images

Free shipping day: why not year-round?

Dec 18, 2015
Many major retailers offer free delivery by Christmas Eve with no minimum buy.

Shopping sites are ready for your business

Nov 27, 2015
Shippers too. That is, if weather and traffic cooperate.

Consumer sentiment under the holiday microscope

Nov 13, 2015
Will consumers spend more this season?

It's not really Black Friday anymore

Oct 30, 2015
The holiday shopping season, complete with discounts, starts before Thanksgiving.

Attention, discount shoppers: The psychology of sales

Dec 22, 2014
Sales create a sense of urgency, getting people in the door. Do they work as a retail strategy?

FedEx and UPS do better this year, but Amazon lurks

Dec 22, 2014
If UPS and FedEx are going to continue to be competitive with Amazon, they need a long-term strategy.

For public good, not for profit.

The 'one percent' lead holiday retail

Dec 15, 2014
Luxury retail has rebounded sooner and stronger than the rest of the market.

Jeff Bezos on the best gift he's ever received

Dec 8, 2014
Just in time for the holidays, we're reviving our series "Best Gift Ever."
Of the 13 finalists, none passed muster.

'Special shopping day' overload

Dec 1, 2014
As holiday sales expand, discounts are less important than the ritual of shopping. One winner: Cyber Monday.