Holiday shopping deals may not all be bargains

Nov 11, 2013
Stores and online retailers are trying to suck you in with emails, discounts, Black Friday promotions. But how much of a bargain are you really getting?

The holiday shopping season is what's really spooky today

Oct 31, 2013
Economists are worried about consumers' moods as we head toward the end of the year.

Retailers shopping for holiday help -- and permanent staff

Oct 10, 2013
Local shops and national chains will lean on experienced hands to give them an edge.

Empty Labor Day car lots mean stronger economy

Sep 4, 2013
Car makers should get a nice bump from the long holiday weekend, and all those Labor Day sales you saw advertised.

Sales tax holidays: Economic boost or lost state revenue?

Aug 2, 2013
From Massachusetts to Alabama, sales tax on everything from socks to laptops will be waived. But not every state wants to leave those tax dollars on the table.

How to hack your holiday returns

Jan 2, 2013
Be patient, be persistent, keep your receipts. And you might just have many happy returns.

Holiday sales grow at weakest pace since 2008

Dec 26, 2012
Hurricane Sandy, the threat of the fiscal cliff, and the election may have all contributed to a disappointing holiday shopping season.

For public good, not for profit.

Economic signals mixed as year comes to a close

Dec 24, 2012
Fiscal cliff negotiations continue to worry markets, but end of the year holiday sales are bringing some cheer to the economy.

A look at this year's holiday shopping numbers

Dec 24, 2012
According to the NPD Group, shoes rank among the top sellers this holiday season.

Merry Christmas and many unhappy returns

Dec 24, 2012
The day after Thanksgiving is known as the biggest retail sales day of the year. The day after Christmas is the start of the biggest week for holiday gift returns and a tough time for retailers.