The middle class through the Hollywood lens

Jun 28, 2013
Movies and television have sometimes reflected and sometimes shaped our ideas of how the American middle class lives.

No joke: The U.S. government says Kim Kardashian helps the economy

Jun 28, 2013
The U.S. government is set to begin calculating GDP in a way that factors in the economic value of entertainment, such as Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Angelina Jolie.

Man of Steel: It's a bird, it's a, it's Jesus?

Jun 17, 2013
You could say 'Man of Steel' had a super weekend. That’s thanks in part to some niche marketing. Warner Bros. Studios targeted Christian moviegoers.

Sleepless in...Hollywood and the rise of the franchise

Jun 12, 2013
"Sleepless in Seattle" producer Lynda Obst explains why studios can't stop making sequels.

'Die Hard 5': The end of the action movie?

Feb 14, 2013
It might be Oscar season, but there's always a few big blockbuster movies on the block. Today, the latest 'Die Hard' movie is released.

And the Oscar goes to ... the economy

Jan 10, 2013
The Oscar nominations kick into gear spending on everything from catering to car services, boosting the economy of Los Angeles and beyond.
The Oscar statuette is viewed at the Samuel Goldwyn Theatre on Jan. 11, 2013 in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Less biz from Hollywood has some L.A. companies scrambling

Jan 8, 2013
With more and more movies being filmed outside of Hollywood, Los Angeles businesses that once solely depended on the movie industry have to find new ways to make money.

For public good, not for profit.

'Promised Land': Fracking as Hollywood tells it

Jan 3, 2013
"Promised Land," opening nationally in theaters, provides a nuanced account of fracking in rural Pennsylvania -- up to a point.

Merry Hollywood returns

Dec 25, 2012
Two big movies open today -- "Les Miserables" and "Django Unchained." Overall, movie attendance is up this year. And that's after two years of ticket declines. So what's got movie industry singing?

Comic-Con still a must-go for film industry

Jul 12, 2012
Movie studios aren't all screening new films, though. Some find the convention is a place to make deals without having a high profile.