Home ownership less affordable for middle-income Americans

Feb 19, 2014
Incomes aren’t going up—but the cost of homeownership is.

Middle class asks: Should we buy our homes?

Aug 5, 2013
President Obama will give a speech in Phoenix on Tuesday about housing and the middle class.
Over the past three years, housing starts have nearly doubled.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Housing recovery: Good for would-be homeowners?

Mar 13, 2013
Commentator Robert Reich says the housing recovery is mostly benefiting investors, not home buyers.

Homeownership sparks economy in many ways

Dec 6, 2012
Home prices are up nationwide. The recent demand has been good for more than just realtors and lenders.

A home and a margin of safety

Apr 16, 2012
My boyfriend and I both currently work full-time and are in school. He's working toward an associate degree and I'm working on a master's. When we both finish, in the spring of 2014, we'll be qualified for much better-paying jobs. We're also planning on getting married between now and then and starting a family once one or both of us has found new employment. We weren't planning to buy a home any time soon, but I recently inherited $40,000. My question is, how do you know that you're ready to take the plunge? Leah, Ypsilanti, MI