Immigration's ground zero

Nov 2, 2006
Congress has brushed aside President Bush's guest worker program in favor of a 700-mile long fence with Mexico. But Arizona has its own immigration initiatives on the ballot. Claudine LoMonaco reports.

Billions for a border fence

Oct 26, 2006
President Bush prepares to sign a 700-mile fence between the U.S. and Mexico into law today. John Dimsdale looks at how much the barrier will cost — and where all that money is going to come from.


Oct 18, 2006
A new business service marketed squarely at immigrants launched today in San Francisco: It's an over-the-phone translation service for non-English-speaking consumers. Rachel Dornhelm has the 411.

No kidding: Jobs attract immigrants

Oct 18, 2006
A new study out today finds that the U.S. appetite for low-wage workers is a powerful magnet attracting immigrants. So just how much more are they making here? Dan Grech has details.