Why 'infrastructure' may be the new political buzzword

May 14, 2014
There's enough to make you wonder if it's the new "addicted to foreign oil".

PODCAST: Fixing infrastructure and American jobs

May 14, 2014
Cisco makes a move into the "Internet of Things." And, Fannie and Freddie start paying back the American taxpayer.

How the White House calculates infrastructure jobs

May 14, 2014
White House warns 700,000 infrastructure jobs could be lost. What's that include?

In the U.S., a water main breaks every two minutes

May 12, 2014
Last year, the country’s infrastructure got a grade of D+.

PODCAST: Net Neutrality

May 12, 2014
It's national infrastructure week. And, looking at housing inequality in Brazil.

Nation's electricity grid gets a test

Nov 12, 2013
The aging grid's main protection against attack is that it's too sprawling and complicated to all go down at once.

Detroit: A city built for 2 million, with 700,000 left

Nov 4, 2013
Detroit's infrastructure problems grind on, despite bankruptcy.

For public good, not for profit.

Obama's new labor secretary wants to work with colleges

Aug 30, 2013
Labor Secretary Tom Perez explains how he hopes to push unemployment down and economic growth up.

Meet Big Bertha, Seattle's ginormous tunnel boring machine

Jul 19, 2013
Big Bertha, named for former city mayor Bertha Knight Landes, will dig up to 100 feet a day and build a massive tunnel under the city for a new freeway.

Train safety, data, and measuring the value of a life

Jun 21, 2013
Which is more important: updating train safety mechanisms or improving rail infrastructure?