Why don't we fix our crumbling bridges?

May 24, 2013
Nearly 70,000 bridges across the U.S. are in need of some serious repairs but the political will, and the money, just aren't there.

U.S. infrastructure gets a D+

Mar 28, 2013
Marketplace Economics Correspondent Chris Farrell joins Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to discuss the state of infrastructure in the U.S. and whether the country can afford to improve it.

Mississippi River mayors call for more dam, lock funding

Mar 22, 2013
Mayors along the Mississippi River say more funding is needed to shore up aging infrastructure.
The confluence of the St. Croix (TOP) and Mississippi Rivers (BOTTOM) is seen from the air on May 31, 2012.

Infrastructure should have its own budget

Feb 13, 2013
Spending on infrastructure and education can help fuel future growth.

State of the Union for jobs: A preview

Feb 12, 2013
Juli Niemann, an analyst with Smith Moore & Company, shares her thoughts on what Obama will highlight and the state of jobs and the economy.

Heathrow expansion may be good economics, bad politics

Aug 31, 2012
The U.K.'s economy is expected to shrink this year. There are calls for the government to spend more money on infrastructure projects -- including adding another runway at London's Heathrow Airport.

Anger towards government follows in wake of Beijing flood

Jul 23, 2012
In Beijing, six months-worth of rain fell over the weekend. The storm has reportedly killed 37 people; almost 60,000 are out of their homes. Anger is reportedly turning from Mother Nature to the government.

For public good, not for profit.

The Internet gets physical

Jul 2, 2012
Author Andrew Blum takes a peek behind the screens and traces the "Tubes" that connect us to one another.

Congress pressed to pass transportation bill

Jun 26, 2012
Lawmakers must fund new federal highway construction before the current legislation expires on Saturday. If they don't, local construction projects may suffer, and jobs could be lost.

Private road deals could cost states

Jun 4, 2012
The House and Senate are hashing out differences over a transportation spending bill. One of the sticking points is whether to penalize states that use public-private partnerships to run their roads.