Just say No

Jan 24, 2011
Equity-indexed annuities are appealing. It's a contract that allows the annuity buyer to enjoy some of the upside performance of the stock market...

Die soon, ok?

Dec 21, 2010
No, this isn't about estate taxes or the death tax.It's about investors betting when you'll die. Charming, isn't it?...

The mortgage modification debacle

Dec 14, 2010
Marketplace Money has long followed the mortgage modification debacle. And that's a polite word for the mess....

Time to let an insurance policy lapse

Nov 24, 2010
Question: I am 63 and retired (not my idea). Between Social Security, pension, and 4% of my 401(k), IRA, and other investments, we're at 75% of my...

Figuring out whole life insurance

Sep 16, 2010
Question: I live with my girlfriend of 4 years. We plan on getting married and rent. Combined we have$18,000 in savings and no credit card debt......

Young adult children and health care insurance

Aug 2, 2010
Question: I'm a widow with a 22 year old son that graduated from a UC school last June. Upon graduation my son had to find his own health...

Credit protection

Apr 15, 2010
Question: I would like to know about the protection that is offered to keep your credit safe is worth the cost. Michael, Riverside, CA...

For public good, not for profit.

Help for aging parents-in-law

Mar 10, 2010
Question: My parents in law are 89 and 90 yrs old and have $300,000 in assets. My father in law is a retired military officer but if he dies, our...

Disability insurance

Feb 25, 2010
Question: I am currently in the process of attempting to obtain personal disability insurance and am quite frustrated with the level of customer...

HSAs and savings

Feb 4, 2010
Question: My employer recently ended group health insurance and "helped" us find individual plans. They are also kicking in some money each month...