An end to bypassing China's great firewall?

Mar 30, 2018
Ever thought of a life without access to Twitter, Facebook or even Google? For years, residents in China have used virtual private networks, or VPNs, to bypass the government’s strict regulation on internet usage. Recently however, the Chinese government has announced a crackdown on its citizens’ use of VPNs and is closing a lot of […]

States join the fray over net neutrality repeal pushback

Jan 26, 2018
This week, Montana and New York made moves to counter the federal repeal of net neutrality that the Federal Communications Commission enacted last month. And so far 21 states and the District of Columbia have sued to overturn the FCC decision. What will these legal battles look like? Click the audio player above to hear […]

Ajit Pai on Congress' role in the net neutrality debate

Sep 5, 2017
The FCC chairman wants to see Congress, not individual administrations, take control of the issue long term.
Federal Communications Chair Ajit Pai, in his office in Washington, DC.
Stephanie Hughes

Net neutrality explained: "Imagine internet is pizza ..."

Jul 10, 2017
Because we all need a refresher.
Debate on net neutrality can get a little tangled, like these network cables.
Michael Bocchieri/Getty Images

Why net neutrality rules are in danger

Apr 26, 2017
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai signaled a rollback of restrictions on internet service providers.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai talks about rolling back net neutrality rules at the Newseum today in Washington, D.C.
Eric Thayer/Getty Images

Netflix expands to... pretty much everywhere

Jan 7, 2016
Now binge-watchers in 190 countries can stream, if their internet can handle it.

Wi-Fi kiosks going up in New York city

Jan 5, 2016
NYC is getting rid of pay phones, opting for public Wi-Fi instead.

For public good, not for profit.

FCC eyes subsidies for low-income Americans' broadband

May 28, 2015
"Broadband is the indispensable infrastructure of the 21st century."

Commercial drones have tailwind overseas

Mar 27, 2015
Facebook and Amazon are testing while American agencies finalize the rules.

What net neutrality might mean for 'House of Cards'

Feb 27, 2015
The FCC will watch for glitches, but keeping up with demand is the real test.