Get ready to stream: more Wi-Fi coming your way

Feb 20, 2013
The Federal Communications Commission votes to set aside more of the wireless spectrum for Wi-Fi.

Skype makes an international call, phone companies get paid

Feb 18, 2013
The free internet phone service has grabbed a huge chunk of the market for international calls.

DIY broadband in northern England

Feb 15, 2013
Residents in a town in Northern England who couldn’t get high-speed Internet decided to put in their own.

Intel puts a new face on Internet TV

Feb 13, 2013
The giant computer chip maker says it will develop a set-top box for Internet TV, that includes facial recognition.

The medical Internet of things and the future of health care

Feb 8, 2013
How will health care be transformed by smart devices, continuous patient monitoring, and tele-medicine?

FCC Wi-Fi plan: What does free really mean?

Feb 7, 2013
Federal regulators may want Wi-Fi Internet connections to get more widespread and powerful, but the government is not giving the service away for free. on the Internet of things

Feb 6, 2013 of the Black Eyed Peas is happy to admit he's a tech geek. The musician, producer, philanthropist now has the title Director of Creative Innovation at the chipmaker Intel.

For public good, not for profit.

America: Land of the free...Internet?

Feb 5, 2013
Some American cities tried this and ran up against a buzz saw of opposition from companies that sell Internet service.

Cisco CEO: Get ready for 'the Internet of everything'

Feb 4, 2013
Are we moving away from an Internet of webpages and toward an Internet of things, or an Internet of interconnected objects?

The digital age has changed what it means to 'search'

Jan 15, 2013
As more sites look to monetize web search functions, a commentator questions what it means 'to search.'