How one sentence helped set off the opioid crisis

Dec 13, 2017
Recently unsealed documents shed light on how the maker of OxyContin seems to have relied more on focus groups than on scientific studies to create an aggressive and misleading marketing campaign that helped fuel the national opioid epidemic.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Unmasking the mysterious creator of Bitcoin

Dec 9, 2015
Gizmodo and Wired identify Australian Craig Wright as the real Satoshi Nakamoto.

United's CEO has stepped down amid a federal probe

Sep 8, 2015
One of the airlines routes is key to an investigation into the Port Authority.

Pulling back the curtain on the manicure industry

May 7, 2015
There's no such thing as "discount luxury" — someone pays the price.
A nail salon in San Francisco.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Tires and civil war: America's business with warlords

Nov 17, 2014
A new PBS film investigates Firestone's relationship with warlord Charles Taylor.

A losing battle: Veterans unable to correct mistakes in records

Nov 6, 2014
Veterans say the Army 's system for correcting records is stacked against them.

For public good, not for profit.

Wells Fargo to cut ties with independent brokers

Jul 13, 2012
After the Justice Department announced a $175 million settlement with Wells Fargo for alleged discrimination against thousands of African American and Hispanic borrowers, the bank looks to cease operations with independent mortgage brokers, whom they blame for the prejudicial lending.

EU announces Google antitrust investigation; Google in talks to buy Groupon

Nov 30, 2010
The European Commission is launching an investigation into whether Internet giant Google has abused its dominant market position in online searches...