Easy ways to diversify your portfolio

Sep 29, 2006
It's a popular personal finance mantra: diversify, diversify, diversity. Are you as diversified as you think? Steve Tripoli reports.

Making it easier to find pension costs

Sep 29, 2006
The agency that sets U.S. accounting rules has issued new requirements for corporations to state pension liabilities on their balance sheets. Marketplace's Amy Scott reports.

Taking a (tax) break in Puerto Rico

Sep 29, 2006
A great example of how companies are getting even more creative looking for tax breaks? The pharmaceutical industry's presence in Puerto Rico. Kai Ryssdal talks about it with Jill Barshay of Congressional Quarterly.

Rein in regulation

Sep 27, 2006
More companies are listing on exchanges overseas instead of in America these days. Commentator Glenn Hubbard argues that we need to change laws that limit businesses' competitiveness.

No hedging: Amaranth is on the way out

Sep 27, 2006
There's word today that the hedge fund that bet on natural gas prices and lost $6 billion will sell off bits of its company and pay off angry investors.

Dow flirts with record high

Sep 27, 2006
Investors were firmly focused today on the chance the Dow Industrials would hit a record close. Host Kai Ryssdal talked with Marketplace's Amy Scott about why it matters. . . . If it does.

Straight talk equals good business

Sep 27, 2006
A new study suggests that companies that speak plainer English in their earnings reports may actually perform better. Scott Tong reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Backdating for a dead man

Sep 22, 2006
Cablevision admitted that it awarded stock options to a vice chairman after he died. The company backdated the options to make it look like the executive had received them while he was still alive. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

What are you doing after the bell?

Sep 22, 2006
Wall Street has a dating site all its own, whether you're a trader or just looking for one. Amy Scott checked it out.

Happy birthday . . . index funds!

Sep 22, 2006
It's time to wish happy birthday to one of the more popular market investments: Index funds just turned 30. But why isn't everyone cheering? Jeff Tyler reports.