Herbalife suffers after David Einhorn asks questions

May 2, 2012
You may not take a diet or nutritional supplement made by the company Herbalife, but you might want to watch its stock today, which is rebounding at the moment. But Tuesday, shareholders lost $1.6 billion, all because one activist investor asked a few questions.

Markets running scared as European fears return

Apr 11, 2012
U.S. stocks had their worst day of the year yesterday, in part because analysts say the European debt crisis is back after months of relative calm.

Showdown over the future of Yahoo!

Mar 19, 2012
A hedge fund investor with a 6 percent stake in Yahoo! is demanding to take over a block of seats on the Internet giant's board of directors.

Investors face deadline to prevent Greek default

Mar 8, 2012
Private bond holders have until this afternoon to decide if they'll take major losses on their investments in order to keep Greece out of a messy default, and avoid another global crisis.

Facebook: Who owns a stake in the social media giant?

Jan 3, 2011
Social media behemoth Facebook reportedly landed a $450 million Goldman Sachs investment today, signaling the company has grown up enough to win ...

For public good, not for profit.

On 2nd anniversary of Madoff's Ponzi scheme arrest, son found dead

Dec 12, 2010
It's been two years since federal authorities hauled Bernie Madoff to lock-up for confessing to be the biggest con man in financial history. Thi...