The Senate might be Ireland

Oct 4, 2013
On Friday, Ireland is voting to abolish one of the houses of the country's parliament. Supporters say the move is a cost-cutting measure as well.

Down and out, the Irish turn to tech

Sep 23, 2013
It’s thought Ireland is home to around 500 tech startups.

The global echos of America's financial mess

Sep 13, 2013
The effects of the 2008 financial crisis hit even disparate economies like Ireland, Iceland and Latvia.

Ireland five years after Lehman

Sep 13, 2013
Five years after Lehman went bust, Ireland is still grappling with the effects of the global crisis.

At Intrade, all bets are off due to financial probe

Mar 11, 2013
Intrade, the online betting site, has shut up shop as it investigates financial irregularities. The Irish based company allowed customers to bet on a wide range of non-sporting events including U.S. elections and the Academy Awards.

Irish priest reflects on economy two years after bailout

Nov 30, 2012
It was exactly two years ago that Ireland faced a similar problem and got an international bailout. How is the country faring now?

What's up, Europe? Irish continue to muddle

Jun 22, 2012
As the Irish keep an eye on Greece and Spain, what news is keeping the Irish upbeat?

For public good, not for profit.

A man walks into a bar… in Ireland

Jun 11, 2012
Europe correspondent Stephen Beard begins a five-part series from bars in Europe. He gets the opinions of ordinary Europeans on the ongoing debt crisis, starting with the Irish.

Ireland votes on EU fiscal discipline treaty

May 31, 2012
Today, Ireland is holding a referendum on whether to ratify Europe's new fiscal discipline pact. A vote against the treaty would challenge German-backed austerity measures.

What's up, Europe? Ireland votes on EU treaty

May 31, 2012
It's a gray day in Dublin, as the Irish vote on the European Union's fiscal stability treaty. Will a yes vote really solve Ireland's problems?