Adam Berry/Getty Images

Why you probably won't be audited by the IRS

Nov 5, 2015
If you’re really rich or really poor, you’re more likely to hear from the IRS.

Nobody's minding the super PAC store

Oct 27, 2015
Super PACs don't seem to worry about bending the rules.

A deadline extension

Apr 15, 2015
Because today is tax day

IRS warns of sophisticated telephone scam

Apr 15, 2015
Callers impersonating IRS agents have scammed thousands.

Little-known tax deductions that can save you money

Apr 14, 2015
Sam Weiner and Daniel Kibblesmith are here to save you money come tax day.

'Going Clear' explores the finances of Scientology

Mar 13, 2015
Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright talk about their new HBO film

For public good, not for profit.

Taxpayers say they plan to spend refunds responsibly

Mar 12, 2015
A survey found 34 percent of taxpayers will pay down debt with their refund.

Average tax refund so far this year is about $3,500

Feb 9, 2015
Why are you people filing your returns so early?

Tax season outlook: 'Miserable'

Jan 1, 2015
Funding cuts, new mandates, tax breaks to complicate tax time, IRS commissioner says.