Putting limits on helicopter noise

Jun 22, 2012
According to Democratic Congressman Howard Berman, helicopter noise in Southern California is getting way too loud and frequent, and that's why he's pushing for new federal regulations.

Plan would strip conventions of taxpayer money

Jun 5, 2012
A Senate bill may end $36 million in funding for Republican and Democratic national conventions -- money that pays for everything from patriotic flags to the teleprompter.

What's not getting done in Washington

May 29, 2012
There's a long list of legislative issues on hold. Blame the upcoming election.

The argument for ending the dollar bill

Mar 2, 2012
Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa is among the U.S. senators pushing for the end of the dollar bill in the quest to save the government money.

Health care costs: A pain in the neck

Mar 2, 2012
When you're in pain and in need of treatment, it's hard to pay really close attention to your health care choices. Commentator Renee Lux describes how treating her stiff neck led to a huge hike in her insurance costs.

Some legislators in Wyoming taking no chances

Feb 27, 2012
Some legislators in Wyoming are taking no chances should the American economy get worse. Much worse, one assumes.

Save our savings

Feb 24, 2012
Marketplace economics editor Chris Farrell says it's all very well telling us to save, but where are we supposed to put our money?

For public good, not for profit.