McDonald's, KFC hit by food scandal in China

Jul 21, 2014
US companies were hit on all sides in the latest food scandal in China.

The cost of fast food meals calculated in worker wages

May 15, 2014
The push for raising fast food worker wages has gone global.

The NYPD learns about #backlash

Apr 23, 2014
The Twitter hashtag #MyNYPD backfired spectacularly – when the public can so easily hijack your hashtag, how do you get social media right?

Multiple labor lawsuits hit McDonald's

Mar 13, 2014
The fast-food giant is sued with its franchises for alleged wage and hour violations.

The French are eating a lot more hamburgers

Feb 17, 2014
One in two sandwiches sold in France is a hamburger. Presumably with French fries.

McDonald's fast food advice becomes corporate PR lesson

Dec 27, 2013
McDonald’s is shutting down McResource, a website that offers tips to employees.

For public good, not for profit.

More nutritional advice from McDonalds

Dec 23, 2013
What does the fast food giant have to say about healthy eating?

On an expense account? Try a Big Mac!

Oct 8, 2013
Data from business travelers finds McDonald's and Starbucks account for 8 percent of all food expenses.