Wisconsin wants Medicaid recipients to pony up more money

Apr 26, 2017
'It’s just another punch in the gut,' one enrollee says.
A handful of states are piloting programs to expand Medicaid to food assistance. Some experts say it could help address wider health issues faced by patients on Medicaid.
Adam Berry/Getty Images

Rural Georgia residents are hit hard by local hospital closure

Apr 7, 2017
'Without health care, people don’t want to stay here. I don't blame them,' a former nurse says.
When Stewart-Webster Hospital closed in 2013, residents say they lost a sense of security along with a health care provider.
Elly Yu

Red state Kansas considers expanding Medicaid. Will others follow?

Mar 29, 2017
We’re still sifting through the fallout of Republicans’ failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act last week. One consequence: It’s reignited the debate in some states about whether to expand Medicaid. First out of the gate, the Kansas Legislature. Yesterday, state lawmakers sent the governor a bill to do just that. Nineteen states […]

What would Medicaid work requirements mean for those who receive it?

Mar 21, 2017
On Thursday night, the House is expected to vote on a bill to repeal Obamacare. The only hurdle is Republicans themselves. House leaders are desperate to get enough conservatives on board to get the bill to the Senate, so last night they made some changes to it. One sweetener: letting states add work requirements to […]

House Republicans look for more support with revised health care bill

Mar 21, 2017
A vote on the amendments is expected Thursday.
Dr. Martha Perez examines Maria Lebron in a room at the Community Health of South Florida, Doris Ison Health Center in Miami, Florida. 
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Who wins and loses under the GOP’s health care proposal?

Mar 14, 2017
24 million could end up uninsured with the Republican plan, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
The CBO estimates that 24 million people will lose health insurance under the Republican plan to replace Obamacare. Above, Dr. Martha Perez examines Dorothy Jolly at Community Health of South Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

When is a health care bill not a health care bill? When it's a tax bill.

Mar 14, 2017
The GOP health plan includes $600 billion in tax cuts for the health industry and wealthy Americans.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) (R) takes his notes after talking to reporters about the American Health Care Act with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) outside Ryan's office in the U.S. Capitol March 7, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Why a proposed Medicaid cut terrifies the parents of a severely disabled man

Mar 13, 2017
'I am scared as to what his life will be, that he’s going to be alone and put away somewhere and no one is going to take care of him,' Fern Pivar says.

China Photos/Getty Images

After all but disappearing, psychiatric hospitals are coming back

Mar 3, 2017
The ER is often the only option for patients with mental-health problems.
Banner Goldfield hospital in rural Apache Junction, Arizona. Mental health patients seeking help in an emergency here can sometimes wait days before finding placement.
Jimmy Jenkins/KJZZ

How a Republican plan to shrink Medicaid could hurt red states

Mar 1, 2017
Slashing federal funding proves a challenge for GOP governors
People protest Trump administration policies that threaten the Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid.