Bipartisan legislation on Medicare unveiled

Dec 16, 2011
Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Paul Ryan released a bipartisan Medicare reform plan. The timing, amid budget and payroll tax fights, could be intentional.

A compromise on Medicare

Dec 15, 2011
Republican Congressman Paul Ryan and Democratic Senator Ron Wyden have a plan.

Bipartisan Medicare deal proposed in Washington

Dec 15, 2011
This morning, a right-wing Republican and left-wing Democrat have announced a plan to reform Medicare that may -- that may -- put policy over politics.

The end of Medicare open enrollment for the year

Dec 7, 2011
Today is the last day to choose a Medicare plan -- the end of so-called open enrollment. What does that mean for insurance customers?

Payroll tax decision nears end of the year deadline

Dec 6, 2011
Senate Democrats want another vote this week on extending a payroll tax cut for workers. But Republicans say they can't support the Democratic proposal.

The immediate costs of the super committee failure

Nov 22, 2011
Congressional leaders had been counting on the super committee to deal with a lot of spending and tax issues in the short-term.

Animated Short: The Amazing Health Care Arms Race

Sep 13, 2011
At the crossroads of our national debate about jobs and our national debate about health care debt... Is the (fictional) city of Hobbs. Its ...

For public good, not for profit.

What's ahead for fiscal reform

Nov 10, 2010
This final note today about the deficit. The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform made some news this afternoon. That's the...