Mexican dream tied to American Dream

May 15, 2009
Mexico sends more immigrants to the United States than any other country. But stricter border enforcement and fewer jobs in the U.S. are tarnishing its allure. Former Mexican Foreign Secretary Jorge Castaneda talks with Bill Radke about the consequences.

An uneasy recovery for Mexico after flu

May 5, 2009
The Mexican government is finally allowing businesses and restaurants to reopen after a five-day shutdown because of the swine flu. But, it's not quite a return to normalcy. Dan Grech reports.

Mexico still risks future flu outbreak

May 5, 2009
Mexican officials have given the OK for schools, government and business to reopen after a five-day shutdown. But whether swine flu has been successfully beaten will only be proven down the road. Dan Grech reports.

Mexico's ill economy ailing with the flu

Apr 27, 2009
Mexico's economy is taking a beating with high unemployment and drug violence. Now add the swine flu outbreak to the list. Dan Grech reports on how the flu outbreak is hurting Mexico's already weak economy.

Countries screen for swine flu at arrival

Apr 27, 2009
North American passengers arriving in Asia are having their temperature taken, while the U.S. screens for signs of swine flu at the Mexican border. Steve Henn reviews how the world is moving to control the pandemic.

Mom and Dad will survive. But me?

Apr 23, 2009
Commentator Gustavo Arellano says the immigrants of his parents' generation will weather this recession better than their educated, assimilated American kids.

Mexico seeks to calm tourists' fears

Apr 16, 2009
Mexico's tourism industry is launching a counter-offensive in the wake of rising drug-trade violence. It's trying to lure tourists who may have been scared by negative news reports. Dan Grech reports.

For public good, not for profit.

U.S.-Mexico relationship remains strong

Apr 16, 2009
Shannon O'Neil, a fellow for Latin American Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, talks to Kai Ryssdal about Mexico's economic stability and what it means for the United States.

Trade, investing top issues in Mexico

Apr 16, 2009
President Obama heads to Mexico on his way to the Summit of the Americas, where drug violence, trade and the devaluation of the peso are central concerns. Steve Chiotakis talks to Marketplace's Dan Grech.

U.S., Mexico in simmering trade war

Mar 25, 2009
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is visiting Mexico today on the heels of the country's decision to impose tariffs on 90 U.S. products. Dan Grech reports what prompted the move and why Secretary Clinton can't resolve the dispute.