NAFTA deadline for Mexican sugar

Jan 2, 2008
When NAFTA took effect in 1994, Mexican sugar farmers were given until early 2008 to modernize their equipment so they could compete with the U.S. But Dan Grech reports some farmers still work the old-fashioned way.

Small victories are a win for Calderon

Dec 5, 2007
It's been a year since Mexican President Felipe Calderon came into office, and after passing some much-needed legislation, he's managed to become well-received by the financial community. Dan Grech reports.

More power to import product safety

Nov 6, 2007
The Bush Administration is unveiling a plan to tackle the safety of imports by beefing up the agencies that police them, including giving them the power to impose penalities and order mandatory recalls. Amy Scott reports.

U.S.-Mexico illegal immigration down

Oct 29, 2007
Homeland Security is projecting much smaller numbers of illegal Mexican immigrants than last year. Alisa Roth reports the decrease might not just be due to a harder-working border patrol.

No progress in Mexico's drug war

Oct 3, 2007
The Bush Administration is set to give Mexico nearly a billion dollars to fight drugs. But Dan Grech reports critics are skeptical of the effectiveness of the aid package.

Some still pass on passport

Oct 1, 2007
A new passport rule goes into effect today for Americans -- they'll need a passport from now on to travel to Canada or Mexico. But Jeremy Hobson reports that some people still need to get their hands on one.

Mexican cartels are a big U.S. business

Sep 20, 2007
Mexican drug cartels operating in the U.S. bring in $23 billion a year, according to a government report due out tomorrow. That would rank them 97th on the Fortune 500 list. Dan Grech reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Mexico gets closer to India

Sep 10, 2007
After 20 years without any serious discussion on the subject, Mexican President Felipe Calderon is in India this week to talk trade. Dan Grech tells us why.

Should Mexican truckers hit the road?

Aug 31, 2007
Right now Mexican trucks can only travel about 25 miles inside the U.S. The Bush administration and many companies on both sides of the border want to lift that limit, but you might be surprised who isn't on board.

Mexican Dream is alive and well

Aug 30, 2007
Sure the American mortgage market may be all but flatlining, but that's actually given the housing market south of the border a healthy boost. Dan Grech explains.