Xbox One doesn't look backwards

Nov 22, 2013
Critics are complaining the Xbox One isn't backwards compatible.

Kinect is Xbox One's secret weapon

Nov 20, 2013
Microsoft's Kinect is big with non-gamers and could spur innovation.

Google and Microsoft will crack down on child porn searches

Nov 18, 2013
Google and Microsoft will ban 100,000 words in an effort to stop child pornography.

PS4 vs. Xbox One: The battle for the couch

Nov 15, 2013
The new PlayStation comes out tomorrow, and the battle for the living room ramps up another notch.

'Bing it on'? Not so fast...

Oct 7, 2013
Microsoft's claim that users prefer its search engine Bing over Google is dubious.

Some of Microsoft's top investors want Bill Gates to step down as chairman

Oct 2, 2013
A new report says three top investors at Microsoft want Bill Gates to go.

For public good, not for profit.

Bill Gates confesses: CTRL-ALT-DEL was a mistake

Sep 26, 2013
Gates says he wanted a single button, but the IBM guy wouldn't give it to them.

Microsoft's Surface 2 wants you to be productive

Sep 24, 2013
The Surface 2 tablet launched yesterday in New York.

The role taxes played in Microsoft's purchase of Nokia

Sep 10, 2013
Taxes may help explain Microsoft's recent purchase of much of Nokia.