Stories Tagged as
Minimum wage
$15 minimum wage would reduce poverty but cut jobs, CBO says
Feb 9, 2021
The CBO report says a $15 minimum wage would pull 900,000 people out of poverty but cost almost 1.5 million jobs.
Biden takes a step toward $15 federal minimum wage
Jan 22, 2021
This is a fraught time to tackle minimum wage increases. It would address long-term inequities but more businesses are in trouble now.
Minimum wage increases for workers in more than 20 states this year
Jan 1, 2021
This year especially, voters are sympathetic to minimum wage workers on the front lines during a pandemic, an economist says.
Starbucks and Home Depot permanently raising wages
Nov 19, 2020
A growing number of people across the country and the political spectrum support raising the minimum wage. Is this a sign of a bigger shift?
Florida voters approve $15-an-hour minimum wage
Andy Uhler
Nov 4, 2020
Hourly wages for some 2.5 million workers in the state will rise to $10 next year, then a dollar a year through 2026.
Investigation finds rehab programs across the U.S. require unpaid labor from clients
Sabri Ben-Achour
and Rose Conlon
Jul 8, 2020
At least 300 rehab facilities in 44 states required unpaid labor from participants, investigators found.
Minimum wage rises for some despite business protests
Jul 3, 2020
Some businesses owners struggling with COVID-19 restrictions asked for the pay hike to be delayed.
For public good, not for profit.
Why Target is raising its minimum wage to $15
Janet Nguyen
Jun 17, 2020
The retail giant is boosting its minimum wage $2 per hour, accelerating planned increases. The move may reflect current crises in America as well as expectations of a strong economy.
Reform would guarantee minimum wage to all workers with disabilities
Sep 3, 2019
The House-passed Raise the Wage Act would phase out subminimum wages for people with disabilities in sheltered workplaces.
Minimum wage hike would boost tipped workers' pay
Aug 8, 2019
The House-passed Raise the Wage Act would phase out the $2.13 an hour federal minimum for tipped workers.