Stories Tagged as
Minimum wage
St. Louis’ minimum wage is dropping today
Reema Khrais
Aug 28, 2017
Starting today, more than 30,000 workers in St. Louis could see their paychecks shrink. The city’s minimum wage is dropping from $10 an hour to $7.70. That’s because of a new state law that says cities can’t set a higher minimum wage than the state. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.
Yelp ratings may be predictor of how restaurants fare after a minimum wage increase
Aug 2, 2017
What determines whether a restaurant stays open after a minimum wage hike? New research suggests it could be customer satisfaction levels, as measured by Yelp.
What's the purpose of a minimum wage?
Sean McHenry
Jul 7, 2017
We check in on the employer side of the minimum wage debate to see how policies impact businesses.
Tired of waiting for Congress, majority of U.S. states have raised their minimum wage
Paulina Velasco
and Jana Kasperkevic
Jun 30, 2017
Is federal minimum wage still a thing?
A new study out of Seattle shows the downside of minimum wage increases
Kai Ryssdal
Jun 27, 2017
The city is making its way towards a $15-an-hour minimum wage, but are employers cutting hours to compensate?
Tell us how the minimum wage affects you
Jun 27, 2017
Share your experience of living on minimum wage with Marketplace Weekend.
A four-letter word is shaping the debate on minimum wage increases
Sam Harnett
Feb 20, 2017
Wage hike or wage increase? Does it really matter? Linguists would say "yes."
For public good, not for profit.
Wetzel's Pretzels' CEO says minimum wage increase boosts business
Sam Harnett
Feb 17, 2017
Bill Phelps was surprised — and pleased — by his own data.
Minimum wage hikes: what economists think
Jan 12, 2017
Nineteen states kicked off 2017 by increasing the minimum wage — some because of cost of living increases, others because of ballot initiatives or legislation. Economists agree that even significant hikes cost minimal job loss, although those generally come at the lowest end of the wage scale. And there’s also little evidence that the minimum […]
There is a patchwork of minimum wages across the U.S.
Dec 23, 2016
Congress hasn’t raised the federal minimum wage since 2009, but many states and localities have.