Finding the fairest minimum wage

Aug 7, 2015
That sweet spot varies from state to state, city to city.

The minimum wage debate

Have you ever lived on the minimum wage in your area? We want to hear your stories.

Do federal contractors save the government money?

Jul 31, 2015
The U.S. keeps replacing its full-time workers with contract employees.

Irvine gets rid of its living wage

Jul 16, 2015
As cities across the country raise the minimum wage, Irvine repeals 2007 ordinance.

Weekly Wrap: Inflation, the Federal Reserve and minimum wage

May 22, 2015
Leigh Gallagher and Sudeep Reddy join Kai Ryssdal to recap the week in business and finance.

What's in a $12 minimum wage?

Apr 24, 2015
A proposal is expected next week to increase the federal minimum wage to $12.

Most aid to families goes to working families

Apr 13, 2015
A majority of Americans who use certain aid programs are from working families.

For public good, not for profit.

McDonald's to boost wages for 90,000 workers

Apr 1, 2015
Average hourly wages will rise to $9.90 for 1,500 locations the company runs directly.

Restaurant raises prices and pay, and ends tipping

Apr 1, 2015
As Seattle's minimum wage starts a gradual rise, Ivar's takes a radical path.

TJMaxx and Marshalls set to increase minimum wage

Feb 25, 2015
Call it "The Wal-Mart Effect."