Squaring rhetoric and reality on outsourcing

Jul 17, 2012
There's a new bad word in the race for president: 'Outsourcing.' But the latest political back-and-forth, while dramatic, ignores the realities of the American economy.

Mike Huckabee on how Mitt Romney can help the middle class

Jul 16, 2012
The former governor talks about the importance of the middle class in this year's presidential election, and what he thinks Mitt Romney needs to do to improve his standings.

This election? James Carville says it's all about the middle class

Jul 12, 2012
Liberal pundit James Carville explains why class matters in this year's presidential election in his new book, ''It's the Middle Class, Stupid!''

Tax cuts, candidate wealth: What matters to voters?

Jul 12, 2012
The Presidential race this week can be summed up in a few words: Outsourcing, wealth, taxes, and jobs. How are American voters responding the latest week's news?

Report: Mitt Romney stayed at Bain longer than he's claimed

Jul 12, 2012
The Boston Globe is reporting this morning that government documents show GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney remained CEO and chairman of the private equity firm Bain Capital for three years after he has said he left Bain.

Good economy, bad economy: Both candidates are right

Jul 10, 2012
President Obama and Mitt Romney have different takes on the economy. Commentator Justin Wolfers says they're both right.

The newest location of a Mitt Romney ad

Jul 2, 2012
Much of the coverage of campaign spending and ads in the last few years has centered around big donors, and money coming in from super PACS. But one Romney supporter has used his money in a slightly different arena: The soccer field.

For public good, not for profit.

Romney's role in pioneering the outsourcing of jobs

Jun 27, 2012
The presidential campaign has returned to the issue of private equity and the outsourcing of jobs. President Obama has latched onto a Washington Post report that says private equity firm Bain Capital, which Mitt Romney used to run, helped pioneer the outsourcing of jobs.

Romney hosts mega donors at Utah retreat

Jun 22, 2012
More than 100 of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's top donors will join him this weekend, a sign that big-money donors -- not the small donors that propelled Barack Obama to victory in 2008 -- may be the difference-makers in this election.

Romney, Obama focus one-quarter of spending in one state

Jun 18, 2012
And, no, it's not Ohio. Would you believe... Massachusetts?