Health care expert changes mind on vouchers program

Aug 31, 2012
A former supporter and architect of the Medicare vouchers program explains why he's now opposed to the program, which Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney supports.

Americans split on who they think will win the election

Aug 30, 2012
Do the Republican and Democratic conventions have an impact on Election Day?

Romney campaign pays for #BelieveInAmerica

Aug 30, 2012
The promoted Twitter hashtag is the first paid for by a presidential campaign.

Whose economy is it? Obama's or Romney's?

Aug 30, 2012
Will the economy we have today elect the next president? If so, what does it look like?

Mitt Romney faces more questions about tax havens

Aug 24, 2012
A look at offshore banking and tax havens used by the super rich and multinational corporations.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, speaks at a Victory rally at the Long Family Orchard Farm and Cider Mill in Commerce, Mich. 
Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

'Tiger Blood' flows in Florida race

Aug 24, 2012
A Democratic super PAC goes after Rep. Connie Mack for past legal troubles by comparing him to actor Charlie Sheen.

Are Romney's drilling plans eco-friendly?

Aug 24, 2012
And a new app helps you separate fact from baloney in political ads.

GOP nonprofits press attack

Aug 23, 2012
Conservative political nonprofit continue to blanket airwaves with attack ads in Senate races.