Why facial recognition software has trouble recognizing people of color

"Data reflects our history, and our history has been very biased to date," MIT researcher Joy Buolamwini says.
Passersby walk under a surveillance camera that is part of a facial recognition technology test at Berlin's Suedkreuz train station in 2017.
Steffi Loos/Getty Images

Bitcoin is a hassle ... but maybe not for long

A new technology aims to make the cryptocurrency work faster and use less computing power.
JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images

Growing up in "Cartoon County"

Author Cullen Murphy talks about his new book and what it was like having a dad who was a cartoonist.
John Cullen Murphy's Big Ben Bolt (July 26, 1978)

The powerful hold of Silicon Valley's venture capital priesthood

Marketplace Tech's Molly wood tells how a small, influential group of mostly men have a tendency to fund ... mostly men.
Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Blog: What the protest economy means to you

Feb 23, 2017
Listeners weigh in on how their businesses have been affected by the constant state of protest.
Protesters walk up Pennsylvania Avenue on Jan. 21 during the women's march on Washington, D.C., with the U.S. Capitol in the background.
Mario Tama / Getty Images

Trending: Facebook's role in deciding what's trending

May 11, 2016
Senior Tech Correspondent Molly Wood tells us why we should care.

For public good, not for profit.

Apple battles federal government on court order

Feb 17, 2016
Authorities worry that they'll erase an iPhone's data while trying to unlock it.
Apple will fight an order to unlock the phone of a San Bernardino gunman. Above, investigators searched the home of Syed Farook, one of the shooters, on December 3. 
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images