The allure of homeownership

Feb 13, 2012
My husband and I are both church pastors. We have been married for a year and half and we both work full time. Our gross income is about $84,000 and we tithe 10 percent to our churches and charities, which we will continue to do. We are trying to decide whether or not to purchase a home, and whether we are saving money in the proper places.... Is this a good time to buy a home? What if we needed to sell it in four years? Should we be putting less money into savings and more into the Roth IRA's? Thank you for your help! Emma, Beverly Hills, MI

Healing in a new home

Feb 10, 2012
When commentator Jen Miller's love hit the rocks, she did something unusual -- she called a mortgage broker. But she didn't lose her head.

Who benefits from the national mortgage settlement?

Feb 10, 2012
The settlement between states and banks is worth $250 billion, but few homeowners benefit.

Cleaning up the mortgage mess

Feb 9, 2012
Today's $26 billion settlement between the government and five of the nation's biggest banks could free up the billions in mortgage securities they possess. But the settlement will also change many of the ways banks deal with foreclosures.

Will the settlement money be enough?

Feb 9, 2012
As states close in a settlement with big banks over alleged abusive home foreclosure practices, we break down how much each family will really get.

Deal reached over abusive foreclosure practices

Feb 9, 2012
Nearly all the states and the federal government, and five of the nation's largest banks, have reportedly reached a $25 billion settlement over abusive foreclosure practices. Around 750,000 victims of foreclosure fraud will get checks for just about $1,800.

Americans worried about home value

Feb 9, 2012
As a potential deal between states and big banks nears over abusive foreclosure practices, we check in with Gallup to see how worried homeowners are about the future.

For public good, not for profit.

Banks to dole out compensation to homeowners

Feb 9, 2012
A settlement has been reached between state attorneys general and five major banks, but the problems of the housing market in the U.S. are far from over.

Getting foreclosures wrong may cost banks billions

Feb 6, 2012
National State Attorneys General Program Director James Tierney discusses why it has taken so long to reach a multi-state settlement with big banks over shady foreclosure practices during the housing crisis.

To refinance or not to refinance

Feb 3, 2012
I have the opportunity to refinance from 5-1/4 percent to 4-1/4 percent. The savings will be $249 a month, which we really need because we probably will need a new car next year. The payback for the closing costs (rolled into the refi) would take 2 years. However, there is a small chance we could be moving due to my job before 2 years. Should I take the lower rate to get the monthly savings or find the money for the car elsewhere? My wife's and my credit scores are high -- about 800. (Yes, Tess, I checked FICO per your constant reminding on the show.) Eric, Ringwood, NJ