NAFTA legacy casts a shadow on new trade agreements

May 7, 2015
As the Trans-Pacific Partnership looms, a look back at what NAFTA changed in America.
Then-U.S. President Bill Clinton signs the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in December 1993.

Trade agreements, then and now

Apr 21, 2015
Congress is turning its attention to trade this week.

Getting 40 percent of the world's economy on the same page

Jan 28, 2014
The Trans-Pacific Partnership would include 12 countries and 40 percent of the world's economy.

NAFTA's 20th birthday -- cause to celebrate?

Jan 1, 2013
Two decades after its passage, the debate continues over the trade pact among the US, Mexico and Canada.

States like Arizona hope to cash in on NAFTA supply chain

Oct 31, 2012
Exports from big states like Texas, California and Michigan have soared since the 1990s when the North American Free Trade Agreement opened U.S. markets to Mexico. But not every state has been as savvy promoting cross-border trade.

NAFTA's promise slowed by lack of border infrastructure

Oct 29, 2012
Every day, more than a billion dollars worth of goods moves across the border between Mexico and the U.S. But customs wait times are inconsistent, which is a problem for manufacturers.
A U.S. Department of Transportation border inspector, explains his evaluation of a Mexican driver's truck on February 14, 2001 in Laredo, TX.
Joe Raedle/Newsmakers

Arizona manufacturer sees Mexico as key to growth

Oct 29, 2012
It's been 20 years since NAFTA was signed. These days, the mantra is that more manufacturing plants in Mexico should be good for the U.S.

For public good, not for profit.

Checking in on NAFTA's immigration promise

Oct 29, 2012
In 1992, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed. In the two decades since, the number of people living illegally in the U.S. has nearly quadrupled.