Village Voice to cut ties to sex ad business

Sep 24, 2012
The decision is a hit to revenue. But other alternative weeklies are surviving without adult classifieds.

Facing Isaac, Times-Picayune looks to digital to cover hurricanes

Aug 29, 2012
How have the changes to New Orleans' newspaper affected its ability to cover Hurricane Isaac?'s James O'Byrne discusses the Times-Picayune's digital strategy.

Scaled-back newspapers leave older readers behind

Aug 20, 2012
As more newspapers scale back production to just three or four days a week, what will come of subscribers who prefer paper to pixels?

Times-Picayune to cut publishing

May 24, 2012
The main newspaper in New Orleans is trimming its staff and cutting production. So how do newspapers decide which days to publish?

Times-Picayune to cut back jobs and production schedule

May 24, 2012
The main newspaper in New Orleans, which received praise in its Katrina coverage, has announced budget cuts which will mean staff layoffs and a reduction in print editions to three days a week.
The front page of the Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Chris Graythen/Stringer/Getty Images

Local 'News Mob' descends on Angels stadium

Apr 6, 2012
The Orange County Register plans to have at least 70 reporters covering the Angels season opener as the media and fan frenzy reaches a fever pitch.

Murdoch's newspaper empire threatened from within

Feb 16, 2012
Rupert Murdoch is expected in London today where he'll face some angry employees. Nine journalists from his U.K. tabloid The Sun have been arrested in the last few weeks after Murdoch's own company -- News Corporation -- turned them in for alleged corruption.

For public good, not for profit.

Warren Buffett buys his hometown paper

Dec 1, 2011
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway will buy the Omaha World-Herald Co. Why go local?

Google News is pulling the plug on Google News Archives

May 25, 2011
Three years ago Google set out to scan every newspaper everywhere, ever. After "3.5 million issues of more than 2000 newspaper titles worldwide,"...

Zite receives a strongly worded letter from publishers

Apr 1, 2011
I always love the "strongly worded letter". It's so genteel. "Oh heavens, Percy! It's a strongly worded letter! Alert the upstairs maid!"...