Should we get rid of the NFL blackout rule?

Jan 3, 2014
In three NFL playoff games (out of four), hometown fans could have had their playoff games blacked out this weekend.

FCC proposes to put an end to the NFL blackout rule

Dec 18, 2013
The FCC voted this week to review the dreaded blackout rule.

NFL locker room hazing: Just another workplace dispute?

Nov 5, 2013
Allegations that one NFL player bullied another raise the question of why so many workplaces of all kinds tolerate bullying and hazing in their work forces.

Buying a share of your favorite athlete

Oct 17, 2013
A stock market for athletes. Not as in the athletes do the trading, but as in athletes are the stocks.

How do bookies make money on sports betting?

Oct 11, 2013
This Sunday’s game between the Denver Broncos and the Jacksonville Jaguars has already made history: The spread on the Las Vegas betting line is one of the biggest ever. So where does that number come from?

The cost of retiring a Native American mascot

Oct 7, 2013
President Obama joined the list of public figures who say the Washington Redskins should consider changing their name. But what's the value of the Redskins brand?

Turning 15: Google and the NFL's yellow first down line

Sep 27, 2013
Two tech innovations celebrate turning 15 today.

For public good, not for profit.

Twitter partners with NFL in ad deal

Sep 26, 2013
Will this prove to investors that the social network can make money?
An NFL football.
Harry Engels/Getty Images

Sports teams approach health reform cautiously

Sep 19, 2013
Efforts to promote the Affordable Care Act among sports fans are meeting with mixed results.

NFL faces stiff competition from fantasy football

Sep 5, 2013
More and more fans are opting to stay at home and engage with fantasy football, and that makes some team owners worry about their bottom lines.