Aaron Hernandez jerseys: Trade 'em in, for free

Jun 28, 2013
The New England Patriots organization is offering a free exchange for another player's jersey this weekend only.

Young, famous and newly rich: A family dilemma for pro athletes

May 23, 2013
Kobe Bryant's legal battle with his mother over the sale of his childhood memorabilia is an extreme example of the pressure some pro athletes feel from their families when they become wealthy.
Young Wade Davis with his parents and sister.
Courtesy Wade Davis

Are the 49ers a good fit for Levi Strauss?

May 9, 2013
Can a partnership with the 49ers save the stagnant brand that is Levi Strauss jeans?

A former agent reflects on the NFL draft

Apr 25, 2013
ESPN's Andrew Brandt reflects on the draft and why players should have an agent at their side.

NFL draft is less art, more science: A how-to guide

Apr 25, 2013
Big data competes with gut instinct in determining how multimillion dollar contracts are meted out in the NFL draft.

NFL players hire Harvard for health study

Jan 30, 2013
The players will spend $100 million on a 10-year study to find out just how hazardous football is to their health.

For public good, not for profit.

'Tebowing,' 'Linsanity'...and now 'Kaepernicking'

Jan 24, 2013
The 49er QB looks to trademark the name of his signature move, but is it worth it?

Do fired NFL coaches suffer much financially?

Dec 31, 2012
Terminated NFL coaches often resurface elsewhere in the league... along with a fat paycheck.

Victoria's Secret at the Dallas Cowboys stadium

Oct 1, 2012
Undies and pigskin: a match made on the gridiron?